Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Samsung Patents: ITC calls for a ban on sales of certain ... - Clubic

the United States, the International Trade Commission has just issued its decision on the charges of violating patents between Samsung to Apple. ITC provides in part due to the Korean firm deciding to ban the import of several products such as some versions of the iPhone 3 and 4 or the iPad and iPad 2.
src=”” alt=”iPhone 4″

It is a real blow that has been firmly told the Apple group. The International Trade Commission has published four pages of its decision on the battle to lead the two companies, namely Samsung and Apple. Recall that the conflict is from a complaint filed by South Korea in August 2011, on the infringement of patents owned by it.

The document (. Pdf), the Commission agrees with Samsung because it emits ” limited exclusion order prohibiting the importation Apple [...] the sale and distribution in the United States of smartphones, music players and tablets [...] that infringe patents . ” This means that the products can not be removed from the territory in which they are constructed (Asia) to be imported into the United States.

The penalty does not affect all Apple products but for iPhone 3 GS 3 (still sold by some U.S. carriers) and 4 and the iPad 3G and iPad 2 3G version tablet. For cons, the iPhone 5 and iPad mini will not fall, for example in the field of ITC decision.

The motivating patent position of the Commission No. 7706348. The latter focuses on “ an apparatus and method for encoding / decoding transport format used for CDMA mobile communication systems .” Tablets and the latest smartphones use Qualcomm elements and are therefore not aff ected by the measure.

If the decision can still be overturned by a federal appeals court or by order of the President of the United States (under 60 days), Apple has already indicated that it uses. For its part, Samsung has welcomed the position of the ITC from CNet saying that “ our decades of research and development in mobile technologies will continue, and we will continue to offer innovative products to consumers in the United States . “

For cons, the decision issued by the ITC is independent judgments that will, in the future, issued by U.S. courts in the war that lead to the two giants justice.

337-794_notice06042013sgl by Rob Olivier

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