Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Why our phones are disrupted by a "hole" on the surface of ... -

video of Solar Dynamics Observator, which depends on NASA, it looks like a hole. A gaping hole in the Sun. In reality, there is a coronal hole, that is to say, a “cold” area in the atmosphere of the star.

Aside from the aesthetics of the video X-ray coronal holes cause the loss of material from the Sun, and therefore very powerful solar wind particles whose currents traveling through the solar system and strike our earth.

Blackout 4G expected

Most of the time, these winds of particles cause nothing more than pretty auroras. But sometimes these storms generate electromagnetic power outages and disruptions in satellite communications.

NASA announcement, no apparent panic that this gigantic coronal hole could cause some blackouts, especially Western Europe, and more dysfunctional GPS and mobile phones in the next two months .

* Benjamin Capon

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