Monday, February 2, 2015

Festival Montreal / New Music: environments and new … –

Presented in downtown from 26 February to 7th March, the seventh MNM will present the works of contemporary artists living or dead, Philip Glass to Olivier Messiaen through Brégent Michel Georges and Claude Vivier.

Concerts, installations, afterhours, round tables, symposium for all the family events are well deployed in different places of the city center: Salle Pierre-Mercure, Symphony House, Multimedia Room of McGill University, Complexe Desjardins, Agora Hydro-Québec, Chapelle historique du Bon-Pasteur, Hexagram Black Box of Concordia University, SAT, Agora de la danse, Matralab, Science Centre, Gesù, Goethe Institute.

“We met certain musical practices and concerns of today which show the influence of new technologies and existing environments – social, linguistic, sexual, etc. “Explains Walter Boudreau, composer, conductor and artistic director of the Quebec Contemporary Music Society (SMCQ), to whom we owe the biennial programming MNM, unveiled yesterday.

Titanic Atlantis

In this context, the works put forward exploit moult aspects of contemporary violin without excluding those of earlier times to our own.

“There are about thirty years, I became interested in the use of computer technology to produce sounds, says Boudreau. I was working with the computer Cyber ​​7400 from the University of Montreal, the equivalent of a mall! Then I went to San Diego, California, to use a Hewlett-Packard, which was the size of a refrigerator and offered the hundred thousandth of the possibilities of my MacBook! Since then, new technologies have changed everything. “

” The behavior of contemporary composers has also changed, but, you know, emotions are the same that are 200 years old. “

Some of the best shots MNM, a” titanic concert “was provided by the SMCQ Ensemble, the main course will be Atlantis of the late Michael George Brégent. There are three decades, this radio work was composed for 56 musicians and 12 singers; This time it will be adapted for the stage, with 16 musicians and 12 singers.

“At the time, the room we had to record in 10 days … it took 3 months! Recently, the mezzo-soprano Marie-Annick Béliveau gave me: must be Atlantis ! I replied that it did not make sense. By saying it was clear we were going to do it, “says the artistic director of the SMCQ.

Another major initiative, the McGill Symphony Orchestra will perform the Turangalîla- Symphony of Olivier Messiaen. “Simply put, George Gershwin who took LSD! It’s absolutely incredible, and it involves two great things: Indian ragas and Martenot waves. In Boston, a young chef had created the work in 1949: Leonard Bernstein. This concert will be memorable! “Exclaims Walter Boudreau.

In addition, it will attend the North American premiere of a work by the late Quebec composer Claude Vivier, hierophany , the qu’interprétera German Musikfabrik together.

112 guitarists

Side happenings, that we retain the Montreal composer and guitarist Tim Brady, who wrote a piece for 112 guitarists posthumous tribute to the legendary Les Paul, great pioneer of the electric guitar. In comparable size, The Popes screaming , a work of Andrew and Rachel Pappathomas Burman, will bring together 200 singers in the Grand Choeur short as well the Mruta Mertsi.

MNM will conclude with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra and Maestro Kent Nagano, who advocate A trip with Philip Glass , “the time from a broken night, in the middle of a world inspired by the East. ” For the occasion, the famous American composer will be the piano. Works by Paul Ducas and Kiya Tabassian also included in the program of this concert.

“We have tried to make it as user friendly as possible this complex exercise, insists the big boss of the SMCQ. This is not an indigestible salad; we are not scientists who defend their formulas. Our strategic plan is to first go to the public. Without compromise, we seek an approach that puts people at ease. If you want to applaud between movements, do it! The important thing is to have fun. “

MNM is presented from February 26 to March 7, 2015


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