Sunday, February 22, 2015

New technologies: Yekolab launched the project officially … – Agency Central African Information

Many young Congolese free participate in this training initiated by a young Congolese, Max Bambhel, through its Yekolab project, divided into four parts with three essential components. The first component with respect to training, is to train every six months, about 50 young experts, certified development of technological applications. This will teach youth motivated and committed to innovate in new technologies from web software, mobile software, enterprise software and embedded software.

The incubator component, the second in the series covers the placing at the disposal of technopreneurs (project developers), an appropriate framework to help them turn their ideas into real companies, reliable and bankable. Regarding the laboratory component, it is dedicated to research and technological development to achieve innovative projects, to encourage creativity and support permanently increasing the skills of the developers of web and mobile applications. It will also ensure technical expertise to young entrepreneurs, holders of projects in incubation. The overall objective is to promote excellence in emerging business through the creation of innovative companies and products in the area of ​​mobile telephony and the Internet.

The Minister of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation, Bruno Jean Richard Itoua, who took part in the ceremony, said he was delighted by the initiative and pledged to support Yekolab the project. “ It’s a feeling of joy to see that the overall innovation and creativity are beginning to materialize, not only by the speech of the Minister nor the government, but by private initiatives taken by motivated young Congolese, who have accumulated international expertise in the field . I believe that creativity, drawing on the genius of Congolese youth, is undoubtedly the best partner to development “ he concluded.


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