Saturday, July 9, 2016

New technologies: delay in Algeria on Morocco and Tunisia – TSA – All About Algeria

A report released Wednesday by the World Economic Forum notes once again the delay in Algeria in the field of new technologies. Dead last in the Maghreb, the country does not shine as the recent “Global Information Technology Report 2016″. The study, conducted in collaboration with INSEAD (INSEAD), ranks Algeria to the 117 th World (out of 139 countries) with a score of 3.2 on a scale of 1 to 7. performance stagnant if we compare these figures to those of the 2015 report when Algeria pointed to the 120 th out of 143 countries with 3.1 points.

the study of the World economic Forum is mainly based on the index of preparedness networks (NRI). A key indicator that is based itself on ten sub-indexes grouped into four main areas: the environment (131 th ), availability (95 th ), the use (125 th ) and finally the social and economic impact of information and communications technology (129 th ).

Unlike in Morocco (78 th ) and Tunisia (81 th ), Algeria lags behind therefore in most areas scrutinized by the organization . And it is in environment that classification is the least glorious as the country struggles with the 131 th instead. This sub-indicator that is based on the political and economic environment shows that there is a lack of competition in the ICT sector and that there are still difficulties in enterprise creation procedures.

It is also clear from this report that companies are still struggling to use new technologies. This is particularly true for relationships that these structures have with their clients. For this sub-indicator, Algeria ranks 128 th . According to the report, ICT is not used internally for staff training. This lack of enthusiasm for new technologies is also visible from the side of public services. The World Economic Forum, there would not be a real long-term vision for ICT by the government (119 th ). Therefore the social impact of new technologies is limited to citizens, with a poor score in terms of accessibility of the Internet in schools and minimal impact of ICT in access to basic services.

in recent years, yet there is a clue to which Algeria scores: it comes to infrastructure improvements. Indeed, the country is better at the accessibility of the mobile network, with coverage extended. It remains now to improve service and in particular the speed internet connection since it remains one of the areas where the mobile connection and slower. Securing computer data is also an important issue. On this point the Algeria declined compared to 2015 and currently ranks the 122 th instead.


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